Will C. Crawford Alumni Association & Foundation

Will C. Crawford Alumni Association and Foundation
This page is devoted to the Will C. Crawford High School Foundation Inc.
Any of these are opportunities for donating can add up to hundreds and perhaps thousands of dollars in funds for the students at Crawford High School. Please consider donating today!
Will C. Crawford High School Foundation Inc., also doing business as Crawford High School Foundation, is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your contribution is tax -deductible to the extent allowed by law. Our Tax ID #33-0600247. The principal office for the Crawford High Foundation is 4191 Colts Way, San Diego, CA 92115. Phone number is 619.362.3700.
Donate safely and securely. Click on the Donate button below to take you to the PayPal website. You don't need a PayPal account to donate. Pay with your credit card or log in if you do have a PayPal account. Note: If you want your donation to go to a specific sport, class, club, etc., click on the link "Direct my donation to the following" and type in where you want your donation to go.
DONATE BY CHECK - please download and fill out this form and send with your donation to:

Our, all volunteer, Alumni Foundation mission is to assist students, teachers and staff achieve their goals and help maintain a positive school experience. In the past year, we have funded the mascot and its maintenance, helped buy or reach out for: specialty school supplies and trophies, bought headsets for the special needs students and a washer/dryer for them to learn life skills while helping the athletic department. We also donated to our Math, Music, Science and Athletics programs. We fund the yearbook entry fee to the San Diego County Fair and an outreach booth at the Rolando Street Fair. Crawford has an automotive shop program as well as other classes designed to hone students' future job skills. We grant a few nominal scholarships for students continuing to college or trade schools. We would like to continue to include our alumni and friends and local community. Please help us be a part of their success. We're located at 4191 Colts Way, San Diego, CA 92115.
Help us by donating to our GoFundMe campaign HERE. Thank you!!
- Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to Will C. Crawford School Foundation.
- AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know. Same products, same prices, same service.
- Support the Will C. Crawford High School Foundation by starting your shopping at smile.amazon.com
You can manage your purchases and other account information on Amazon.com and AmazonSmile using a single account. They are interchangeable.
On your first visit to smile.amazon.com, you will be prompted to select a charitable organization to receive donations before you begin shopping. The Foundation is listed as Will C. Crawford High School Foundation.
Use the Benefit app at checkout for your everyday shopping, in-store and online, and support the things that matter most.
Benefit is the mobile payments app that funds the things that matter most through everyday transactions. Use the Benefit app to check out at the register in-store or on the checkout page online. Paying with Benefit is faster, safer, and more rewarding than traditional payment methods. Each purchase earns between 2% - 20% of the transaction total that is sent to the Crawford Foundation!
Go to https://www.benefit-mobile.com/ to download the app to your smart phone. The Foundation is listed as Crawford Foundation.

As of June 30, 2018, eScrip Online Mall is no longer available.
Free Ways to Help Will C. Crawford High School Foundation Raise Much-Needed Funds.
Every time you shop at any of the 1,000+ online stores in the iGive network, a portion of the money you spend benefits Will C. Crawford High School Foundation. It's a free service, and you'll never pay more when you reach a store through iGive. In fact, smart shoppers will enjoy iGive's repository of coupons, free shipping deals, and sales. To get started, just create your free iGive account.
Start iGiving at: www.iGive.com/WCCHSF
If you'd like to help the Will C. Crawford Alumni Association and Foundation in the years to come, a bequest is a wonderful way of giving back to our Alma Mater. Here's how to include the Will C. Crawford Alumni Association and Foundation in your will. Below you will find suggested sample language to share with your attorney.
“I bequeath to the Will C. Crawford Alumni Association and Foundation, located in San Diego, California, a not-for-profit 501(c)3 charitable corporation, for the general charitable purposes, the following assets: _____________.”
If you wish your bequest to be used for a specific purpose, we would be happy to talk with you confidentially about your plans. Our goal is to be sure that your legacy is carried out exactly as you intend.
Or it may make sense to name the Will C. Crawford Alumni Association and Foundation as a percentage beneficiary of your estate; that way your estate plan can reflect your overall intent and goals regardless of valuation fluctuations.
We extend our gratitude to you for your long-term approach to your charitable giving. The Crawford Foundation will be all the stronger. We greatly thank you.
Please email us if any links on this page are broken.